It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.
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From Birmingham, West Midlands United Kingdom
Age 56
Joined Sunday, April 10, 2005
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Extended Profile

I've always loved books and reading - there's nothing quite like a bookshop, whether on the high street or on line - and nothing more dangerous in many ways :)
I saw a feature on a tv programme about bookcrossing and it rang a vague bell and I decided to check out the site. Wow! - it's a really great idea for book lovers. I love the idea of sending out books I've finished with into the wild and waiting (this is the hard part) to see where they end up. Also the chance to exchange books wth other members is a fantastic way to catch up with things I've always wanted to read and discover new authors. I own a lot of books, and sometimes swap them with friends and family, and am frequently to be found scanning the shelves of charity shops, and libraries, and buying online must have been invented for people like me!!

Since joining bookcrossing I have had books given to me by all sorts of people who want to clear some space on their shelves, or have acquired bags of unregistered books from other bookcrossing members - therefore many of the books on my bookcrossing bookshelf do not reflect my own tastes.

My favourite books of all time:

The Tenent of Wildfell hall -Anne Bronte
Frankenstein - Mary Shelly
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Raj Quartet -Paul Scott
The Moonstone and The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
A Study in Scarlet - Aurthur Conan Doyle
The Mayor of Casterbridge - Thomas Hardy
Far from the Madding Crowd- Thomas Hardy
A Fine Balance - and Family Matters -Rohinton Mistry
A Passage to India and. A Room with a View E M Forster
And everything by Elizabeth Taylor and Barbara Pym.

As well as reading I like music of various kinds of music, I collect Agatha Christie first editions, and bookmarks. I love the theatre too.

If you see something on my AVL that you fancy let me know, if funds allow I'll try my best to accomdate you, I love hearing from other bookcrossers and its fun sending books to places I'll like as not never go to myself.

Books Read in 2006 total = 127
Books read in 2007 total - 140
Books read in 2008 total - 141
Books read in 2009 total - 132
Books read in 2010 total -125
Books read in 2011 total - 129
Books read in 2012 total - 134

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