Ruddy Gore

by Kerry Greenwood | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 1742696325 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Skyring of Reid, Australian Capital Territory Australia on 4/17/2017
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4 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Skyring from Reid, Australian Capital Territory Australia on Monday, April 17, 2017
Picked up from the Little Free Library in Curtin (Charter # 36289) last week. This book is taking a little free trip to the other side of the world.

Journal Entry 2 by Skyring at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory Australia on Monday, April 17, 2017
A close up, showing this book resting at home with her comrades.

Journal Entry 3 by Skyring at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory Australia on Tuesday, May 23, 2017
This book went to Tehran. And Shiraz, Yazd, Esfahan and a few other places. Read by one or two others on the tour, now home again in Australia.

Journal Entry 4 by winggoldenwattlewing at Civic, Australian Capital Territory Australia on Saturday, June 24, 2017
I picked this book up at the Bookcrossing meet at King O'Malley's Pub in Civic, ACT. Thank you skyring.

Journal Entry 5 by winggoldenwattlewing at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory Australia on Thursday, August 17, 2017
An enjoyable read, but not the best of the three in the series I have read. Mainly it was the theatre setting that I found drab.

Journal Entry 6 by winggoldenwattlewing at BC Uncon2017 in Stewart Island, Southland New Zealand on Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Released 6 yrs ago (10/13/2017 UTC) at BC Uncon2017 in Stewart Island, Southland New Zealand


To be released during the 2017 Bookcrossing Unconvention on Stewart Island. Enjoy :)

To the finder, enjoy, and I hope you will write a journal entry so that previous readers will know that this book has been found (even anonymously). It is always a joy to find where it has gone. Once you've read this book, pass it on to a friend, or set it out "in the wild" for someone else to find as you did.
You can remain anonymous but if you are interested in joining please consider using - Goldenwattle as your referrer.
When you pass this book along, please make a release note to let others know where you left it. Thank you.

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Journal Entry 7 by kiwiinengland at Wellington City, Wellington Province New Zealand on Sunday, October 29, 2017
I enjoyed the TV show more than the one book in the series I read, Phyrne seemed a bit of a bitch in the book. I'll try again.

Journal Entry 8 by kiwiinengland at Adelaide, South Australia Australia on Friday, September 7, 2018

Released 5 yrs ago (9/7/2018 UTC) at Adelaide, South Australia Australia


Forming part of a belated birthday package. Have a fabulous 12 months.
If you aren't familiar with Bookcrossing, take a few minutes to check out this very cool site. Bookcrossers LOVE books, and more than anything, they love to read books and then set them free for other people to find and enjoy. I would love it if you would leave a journal entry -- you can say where you found the book or how you liked it when you read it.

Journal Entry 9 by wingLadyIndigowing at Orange, New South Wales Australia on Sunday, September 16, 2018
miss fisher returns to australia :)
in a box filled with goodies

thankyou so much kiwiinengland for the truly wonder-full surprise


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