Earthly Delights

by Kerry Greenwood | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 1615953728 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Skyring of Reid, Australian Capital Territory Australia on 4/9/2015
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5 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Skyring from Reid, Australian Capital Territory Australia on Thursday, April 9, 2015
I haven't gotten into this Kerry Greenwood series yet.

Not sure I should…

Journal Entry 2 by wingRazFazwing at Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg Germany on Friday, April 10, 2015
Lovely Skyring pass this book to me this morning (with 3 others). What a wonderful start into the day!I read this novel last year on our way at the Great Ocean Road. But I really like to read it again and I hope I can take it in my suitcase ( so many books).

I' m a lucky person to have a such generous friend. Take care of you!

Journal Entry 3 by wingRazFazwing at Camel & Artichoke in Waterloo, Greater London United Kingdom on Thursday, April 16, 2015

Released 9 yrs ago (4/14/2015 UTC) at Camel & Artichoke in Waterloo, Greater London United Kingdom


First, I really like to read the book again and wanted to take it with me home. But unfortunally on the last convention day I found a wishlist book in a wellfare shop in Oxford and I bought it. Our suitcase was full and heavy, so I leave the book in the OBCZ Camel & Artichoc, a nice pub with yummy food.

@skyring:It was good to see you again in Oxford an d I hope our path will cross again. Take care!

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Happy reading,

Journal Entry 4 by susihukkanen at Waterloo, Greater London United Kingdom on Sunday, May 31, 2015
Found this tasty novel at Camel & Artichoke (what a great place btw) and red it a bit but as the one before cannot take it into the suitcase. So I shall soon let it go, just after a couple of more pages...

Eventually could not let go of this entertaining one. Liked the bakery, the cats, the terrace, Jason, Australian scenery, the protagonist and the plot it was a joy really. Thank you, Skyring.

Journal Entry 5 by susihukkanen at Pikilinna in Tampere, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on Thursday, June 25, 2015

Released 9 yrs ago (6/25/2015 UTC) at Pikilinna in Tampere, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland


Kirjan ulkoasu pettää, teos on parempi ja kanttaan monipuolisempi, kepeä + hauska. Tungin matkalaukkuun aloitettuani romaanin Lontoossa. Australiaan sijoittuva mysteeri, yksityisyrittäjänaisen leipomo ja mukana myös komea ihastus. Miljöön kuvaus kuten talo ja terassi, aamutunnelma leipomossa, päähenkilö ja ns. katujen läpitulo kiehtoivat. Take care of the book & enjoy.

Journal Entry 6 by wingerpaxwing at Tampere, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on Tuesday, June 30, 2015
First, I've thought this book is not my cup of tea but after reading the JEs made by susihukkanen and RazFaz I decided to give it a try. In any case, this well-travelled book will be released again at the Finnish Summer UnCon book buffet later this summer. Many thanks, Skyring, RazFaz and susihukkanen!

@susihukkanen: Dope on edelleen Kahvillassa. Harmi, että hyllymme on nykyään niin huonosti valaistussa ja hankalassa paikassa. Niistä lapuista huolimatta siellä ei ole enää virallista BC-hyllyä.

Jos haluat joskus tavata muita kirjanystäviä, niin olet erittäin tervetullut miitteihimme. Luvassa on rentoa jutustelua ja kirjanvaihtoa kahvittelun merkeissä. Foorumilla voi edelleenkin ilmoittautua myös noille tuleville kesäpäiville, jotka edellä mainitsin. Sekaan vaan, jos yhtään kiinnostaa! :)

Released 8 yrs ago (7/25/2015 UTC) at Voipaalan taidekeskus, Sääksmäki in Valkeakoski, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland


To be released at the Finnish Summer UnCon book buffet!


Kiitos, että nappasit tämän kirjan mukaasi! Teethän tähän vielä löytömerkinnän. Olisi mukavaa, jos kävisit myöhemmin kertomassa, mitä kirjasta pidettiin ja miten sen matka jatkuu.

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Journal Entry 8 by wingBookgeowing at Pirkkala, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on Sunday, July 26, 2015
I picked this up from Voipaala to be released abroad. Many thanks, erpax!

Journal Entry 9 by wingBookgeowing at Cafe du Livre in Marrakech, Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz Morocco on Monday, November 23, 2015

Released 8 yrs ago (11/23/2015 UTC) at Cafe du Livre in Marrakech, Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz Morocco


While visiting this literary cafe in the nouvelle ville of Marrakech, I released this book on the steps leading up to the cafe. Greetings from Finland!

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